Friday, January 26, 2007


It has been a rainy December and cloudy for much of January.
Today we went to the Al Ain Air Show.
It was hot and sunny and we all caught the sun.
The girls and Zoe all got some henna done too.

Back home later for a biiiig sleep, lovely.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

A long pause...

It has been a long time since I last blogged.
So it must be time to get up and running again.

We've just had a long weekend here, an extra day tagged on for the Islamic New Year.
So we've had a busy three days and done some important napping.

More on the Global Village , Dubai to follow I hope.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

5 days to go

Wow - 5 days until we fly.
Today I have changed my mind and don't want to go after all. Who's silly idea was it for us to go overseas??

Ok, so knowing we are into days rather than weeks I'm very glad of friends I have made via email. The college has been very supportive.The personnel and visa officers have always been helpful. I also email with a teacher I'll be working with so know a lot of what to expect. That is really, really reassuring when undertaking such a big adventure.

The lady who left the flat drew us a plan and another friend took pics of the outside of the building and its surrounds. I suppose if you ar going to go completely insane you might as well do it properly and go all out to live somewhere you have never been!!
At least the job I'll be doing is very similar to one I already do.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Pain of leaving

Yes, it was my choice to leave. Yes, I'm excited to be going to my new life.
Yes, there will be new challenges and a great lifestyle for my children.

However, that knowledge does not ease the sadness of leaving my friends.

I left work for good yesterday - handed in my key, cleared my desk and walked away.
With each goodbye, fixing faces in my mind, the last walk around the building, chanting softly, "No tears, you are wearing mascara".

So many of you, too many to name - but you know who you are.
Those I visited each day for a chat, those I was careful to insult.
You laughed at my jokes and did not throw things at me.

Cheerio and toodle pip.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

I finally finished all the outstanding work work that I had pending and can now seriously tackle the business of moving. Leaving college was the hardest thing to do. I really thought I'd be there forever.
I received lovely presents, I was very touched by the thoughfulness of the choices.
Best of all was the good wishes of so many people that I have grown to love, I nearly changed my mind there and then.

The leaving students also had a gathering. Here's us all eating cake and laughing
at each others' bad jokes.

Last Friday, just one day after the London bombings Ian went down to the capital to sort out the paperwork for our move. Certificates had to be notorised, then certified by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), then by the UAE Embassy.
The paperwork had come back twice already, so he went in person to make sure we got it right.
The FCO had a queuing system set up and running soon Ian was on his way to the Embassy.
He got there 5 mins after it shut, BUT the lady in charge of certifying documents was just happening to be walking up the stairs past reception (she usually takes the lift) and was willing to help. Mashallah.

Back home, the house sale is not going ahead at the moment. The buyer's buyer dropped out. That is very very frustrating.

We went for our injections. Ian had his earlier in teh day - he was due loads of boosters too, so looks like a pin cushion. Mine was a single jab. Heather took her 2 jabs very bravely.
One in each arm.

Alexandra squeezed herself onto the corener and refused to come out. We tried twice more, to no avail.
Ah well - another day then.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Only 4 weeks to go!!

Only 4 weeks left - when did that happen??
Astonishing that time has flown so very quickly.

We are hoping that our house sale will be OK. We have had an offer which has been accepted.
Fingers crossed that it all goes smoothly. At least we know that it has sold once, so will sell again if needs be.

The move all begins on 21st July when the removal company come to start the packing. We'll be on mattresses on the floor for a while, living out of suitcases. The adventure begins!!

Monday, June 20, 2005

Flight tickets arrived

It has been 2 weeks since I last wrote to my blog. The time is flying by so quickly now.
Last year when the offer was made and early this year when the contract arrived (January) it seemed as though we had endless time.
Now we have 6 weeks and 2 days.

The house is on the market and we are hopeful that it will sell quickly. Fingers crossed if you can please.

This week the removals company come back out to do a final check of what is to go and book a date. We are sending the furniture early as it has to be shipped by sea. So we will have an empty house for a while. Sleeping on matresses on the floor. Eating off picnic plates :-)

The weather had been horrible, so I was just going to ship out the summer clothes and keep the winter ones here - oh no- that didn't work!! Now we have lovely weather.

We shall see!